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The blackberry is an exotic fruit flavor, grown in different parts of the world and important properties for human health. It has different varieties like blueberry, blackberry, red and white. It is small, made by way cluster with small seeds and bears a resemblance to the strawberry.
Eating fruit alone may not be as nice as it is quite acid and intolerable to the palate, but the fruit is complemented by excellent in many culinary preparations, such as juices and desserts.
The frozen blackberry pulp has the taste, smell and color of the fruit characteristic. It is free from residues seed. It is 100% natural, no preservatives, durable, food, vitamin, healthy and refreshing.

- Consumption of blackberry is good for the heart, as it has antioxidants that prevent the production of fat in the arteries.
- Have large amounts of vitamin C and E, so it is excellent for preventing colds, it has more vitamin C than some citrus. It also helps care for the skin and maintains healthy teeth.
- It has anticancer properties, because a study found that can reduce the risk of developing the disease, especially stomach cancer.
- Helps relieve fever in some cases, especially when a person is cold.
- Also this fruit consumption helps combat anemia, as it has iron. Improves appetite in people with anemia.
- Also makes a cleansing effect on the body and is excellent when included in the diet to lose weight.

1.       Blackberry juice:
125 ml blackberry pulp.
250 grams of yogurt.
250g strawberries.
125 g of blackberries.

Separate a few berries.
Blend blackberry pulp, yogurt and strawberries.
Mix well.
Serve in cold glasses.
Add the reserved berries in the glass above.
2.       Blackberry Granizado

1 package frozen blackberry Pulp (thawed)
½ cup of sugar
2 tablespoons lemon juice
Whipped cream (for garnish)

In a bowl, mix the blackberry pulp, 1 cup water, sugar and lemon juice, and stir until sugar dissolves.
Transfer the mixture of blackberry pulp to a glass bowl and cover freeze.
Let freezing, stirring with a fork every 30 minutes, scraping the edges of the container and breaking ice lumps until the ice fragments remain light, fluffy and not completely frozen, about 3 to 5 hours.
To serve, divide the slush equally among serving bowls, top with whipped cream, if desired.
3.       Blackberry Merengón
Ingredients: (For  12 people)
8 egg yolks
24 tablespoons sugar (3 tablespoons per light)
½ teaspoon baking powder
500 gr. frozen blackberry pulp
1 large jar of cream
Sugar to taste
1 tablespoon brandy
3 tablespoons fresh coconut, grated and baked golden.
Beat the egg yolks until hard snow and gradually add sugar and baking powder.
Pour into two greased paper-lined cans.
Bake at 200 ° C for 1 hour.
Mix the cream with the sugar and brandy and blackberry pulp.
Place a merengue on a tray and cover with blackberry and so on.
Garnish with grated coconut or some fresh fruit.
4.       Blackberry Palets:

1 package Blackberry Frozen Pulp (thawed)
¾ cup honey or agave syrup

In a medium bowl, mix the pulp of blackberry, honey and ½ cup water; stirring until the honey dissolves.
Divide the blackberry mixture in eight molds of 3 oz. each one. Transfer the molds in the freezer and let freeze until half frozen, about 1 hour. Then insert a stick into each mold. Freeze until the blades are solid, for about 3 hours.
To serve, flick the bottom of the molds in hot water before removing.
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